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Nature Repair Market Webinar - Session 2 - Challenges of biodiversity markets


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Nature Repair Market Webinar - Session 2 - Challenges of biodiversity markets

A major development in the biodiversity space was the passing last year of the Australian Government's Nature Repair Act, introducing certificates to underpin a biodiversity market (running alongside the burgeoning carbon market). Australia is actually the first country to introduce such a centrally regulated biodiversity market.  

The Alluvium Foundation has brought together outstanding speakers to explore the opportunities and challenges of such a Nature Repair Market.  They will be holding two online lunchtime seminars (Wednesday April 24 and May 1).  This introduces a topic that could represent a fundamental change in the way the environment is protected and repaired in Australia and globally.  

Session 2: Wed May 1 (1pm - 2pm)   -  Challenges of biodiversity markets

  •  Risks, opportunities, and net outcomes of biodiversity markets  (Dr Megan Evans, UNSW)

  • An ecological perspective  (A/Prof Patrick  O’Connor, Uni of Adelaide)

  • Challenges of biodiversity markets  (Dr Neil Byron, Director, Natural Capital Economics).