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The Mushroom Mysteries: A Fungi Whodunit


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The Mushroom Mysteries: A Fungi Whodunit

Event Description:
Dive into the enchanting and mysterious world of fungi with "The Mushroom Mysteries," an interactive whodunit that beckons you into the woods. In partnership with the Central Tablelands Intrepid Landcare, the Central Tablelands Regional Landcare Network, and Local Land Services, this unique event blends the thrill of mystery-solving with the intriguing study of fungi's taxonomic features.

As night falls over the Central Tablelands, participants will embark on a guided adventure through an evening dotted with clues, each pointing toward the peculiar characteristics and ecological roles of different fungi. But there's a twist – one of these fungi is not like the others. Using your detective skills and newfound mycological knowledge, can you solve the clues and unveil which fungi committed the crime?

To enhance your experience, we will provide drinks and nibbles throughout the event, ensuring you stay refreshed as you unravel the mysteries that await.

Who Should Attend:
This event is perfect for nature enthusiasts, amateur mycologists, and anyone with a curiosity for ecological mysteries. The Central Tablelands Intrepid Landcare is focused on connecting volunteers (aged 18-35) across the region to think global and act local and who are eager to learn, explore, and contribute to environmental stewardship in a fun, engaging setting.

Location: CWA Hall,  Lords Pl Corner, Byng St, Orange NSW 2800
Cost: $20.00