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NSW/ACT Highlights of 11ASM
5:00 PM17:00

NSW/ACT Highlights of 11ASM

  • McIntyre Theatrette, Newcastle Museum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

NSW/ACT Highlights of 11ASM

Wednesday, October 30, 2024 from 5:00pm - 7:00pm

McIntyre Theatrette, Newcastle Museum, Awabakal - Newcastle

River Basin Management Society would like to invite you to their in-person and online seminar featuring highlights from the 11th Australian Stream Management Conference. The event will be hosted by the City of Newcastle at the McIntyre Theatrette, Newcastle Museum in Awabakal - Newcastle.

There will also be an online option for those outside Newcastle, welcoming regional NSW/ACT folk to join!

Arrive at 5pm for a 5:30pm start with drinks to follow at a local pub, offering the chance to catchup with like-minded people.

The great line-up of speakers from the conference, include:

Professor Kirstie Fryirs – Macquarie University

Delivering Natural Flood Management (NFM): Working with geomorphic, vegetative and hydrological recovery in nature-based river management

Andy Lowes – Program Manager - Australian River Restoration Centre

Interweaving love, knowledge and action: how we are bringing back the Murray-Darling Basin's Forgotten River

Katherine Warwick - PhD Candidate - Western Sydney University

Full metal jacket: The accumulation of metal pollutants in the fur of platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus). How does water pollution impact a high trophic order predator?

Share amongst your networks and we look forward to seeing you there!

Brought to you by the RBMS committee – Rhiannon Hughes, Jenny Weingott and Andrew Morris

In-person RBMS Members $10

In-person Non-Members $20

Can't make it to Newcastle? (Welcoming regional and NSW/ACTer's online):

Online RBMS Members $0

Online Non-Members $15

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11th Australian Stream Management Conference & Awards Gala
to Aug 14

11th Australian Stream Management Conference & Awards Gala

  • Victor Harbor Convention Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Interweaving water knowledge

The 11th Australian Stream Management Conference and Awards Gala provides an exciting opportunity to share the knowledge and practice within waterway management in Australia and celebrate these incredible achievements. Held in the beautiful Victor Harbor in South Australia, the ASM Conference and Awards Gala will come together for the first time. The hope is that we can braid Australia’s numerous threads of waterway knowledge together to revive our river basins for a brighter future. The ancient knowledge held by our first people's, the dedicated insights from our communities and the continuous evolution of the research and practice by our industry peers can only lead to better management and conservation of our precious waterways when our knowledge pathways become interwoven.

Both of these major events offer attendees the ability to participate in interactive and engaging experiences, forging new pathways through a more unified approach. The conference and awards programs present abundant opportunities for sponsorship exposure, whilst offering an exceptional opportunity for all delegates to connect through shared experiences.

The ASM Conference and Awards Gala are proudly organised by the River Basin Management Society, a member-based organisation founded in 1986 and supported by a volunteer committee. These two national events bring together researchers, policy makers, consultants, communities, Traditional owners and practitioners dedicated to working towards improved integrated catchment management in Australia. With more than 150 delegates attending and many contributing to the Conference Proceedings with full papers, this is an invaluable opportunity, not to be missed.

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Rainforest Connections 2024
to Jun 7

Rainforest Connections 2024

Rainforest Connections 2024 is the first conference in over two decades that is dedicated to the restoration, rehabilitation, and management of Australia’s unique rainforest habitats. This event will connect more than 200 delegates from a wide range of backgrounds including scientists, program managers, on-ground practitioners, community members and specialists implementing projects in the field. 

Rainforest Connections 2024 will provide a vital platform to build relationships, form collaborations and most importantly lead to constructive, innovative and effective multi-disciplinary environmental outcomes in our unique rainforest environments.

The diverse range of presentations will feature case studies of on-ground action, species recovery programs, and cutting-edge environmental research as well as specific tools, techniques, challenges and strategies for managing rainforest habitats. The important connection between nature and culture will be highlighted and include presentations supporting this connection.

The abstract submission period has now opened, take the opportunity to share your work with other rainforest management professionals, volunteers, and organisations.

Attendance is encouraged for professionals and students that want to be at the forefront of rainforest conservation management and innovation.

We look forward to welcoming you to Ballina, Bundjalung Country, in June 2024 where we will provide the connections between conservation, restoration and innovation at the inaugural Rainforest Connections conference.

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Landscape Rehabilitation with Fungi
10:00 AM10:00

Landscape Rehabilitation with Fungi

Australian land managers are only now beginning to discover the important roles fungi play in healthy ecosystems. Australian fungi are different from those in other countries in the same way that our plants, animals and other species differ.

Join Central Tablelands Local Land Services for a morning session with Ecologist Dr Sapphire McMullan who will explore understanding biodiversity management of fungi for professionals and Dr Susan Cairney from Rhizocore Technologies are a UK fungal biotechnology company who have expanded into Australia this year.

Rhizocore are committed to isolating locally adapted ectomycorrhizal fungi that are adapted to the tree species and soil conditions of their customers.

Fungal mycelium is grown in "rhizopellets" that can be planted with tree seedlings.
We are currently isolating ectomycorrhizal fungi into culture and conducting research to optimise fungal growth, infection, and enhanced survival and growth of Australian plant species.

COST: Free


Raglan Community Hall
44 Frome Street , RAGLAN NSW 2795

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