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Rainforest Connections 2024


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Rainforest Connections 2024

Rainforest Connections 2024 is the first conference in over two decades that is dedicated to the restoration, rehabilitation, and management of Australia’s unique rainforest habitats. This event will connect more than 200 delegates from a wide range of backgrounds including scientists, program managers, on-ground practitioners, community members and specialists implementing projects in the field. 

Rainforest Connections 2024 will provide a vital platform to build relationships, form collaborations and most importantly lead to constructive, innovative and effective multi-disciplinary environmental outcomes in our unique rainforest environments.

The diverse range of presentations will feature case studies of on-ground action, species recovery programs, and cutting-edge environmental research as well as specific tools, techniques, challenges and strategies for managing rainforest habitats. The important connection between nature and culture will be highlighted and include presentations supporting this connection.

The abstract submission period has now opened, take the opportunity to share your work with other rainforest management professionals, volunteers, and organisations.

Attendance is encouraged for professionals and students that want to be at the forefront of rainforest conservation management and innovation.

We look forward to welcoming you to Ballina, Bundjalung Country, in June 2024 where we will provide the connections between conservation, restoration and innovation at the inaugural Rainforest Connections conference.