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Introduction to the Kingdom Fungi


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Introduction to the Kingdom Fungi

It seems we are in something of a fungal turn. Once overlooked, fungi are the exhilarating new poster organisms reconfiguring our understanding of the natural word and capturing the public imagination. 

Although little known, the roots of almost every plant in the Australian landscape are intimately entwined with fungi. These clandestine relationships extend beyond trees to include every orchid and most shrubs and grasses. Symbioses are the secret to success in our highly variable climate and nutrient-deficient soils.

In this highly interactive introductory workshop, you’ll get to experience a range of fungi from the local region and learn about their fascinating ecology, life histories and cultural significance.

Don’t forget to bring along your mushroom specimens for identification.

The workshop cost $30

Additional Information:

Mycology May, is a collaborative initiative between the Central Tablelands Regional Landcare Network and Local Land Services. Participants will receive detailed information regarding the workshop itinerary, what to bring, and how to prepare closer to the event date. Space is limited, and we encourage early registration to secure your spot in this exciting exploration of fungi.


Environmental Learning Facility, Orange Showground

Leeds Parade, Orange NSW 2800