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Fish River Rejuvenated


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Fish River Rejuvenated

Mick Callan

A section of the Fish River was recently rejuvenated to create a healthier
habitat for native flora and fauna to flourish, including the endangered
Booroolong Frog.

The initiative was a joint project between Bathurst Regional Council and
Oberon Council which received funding of nearly $8000 for the restoration
of a section of the Fish River at O’Connell.

The grant was provided by the Central Tablelands Local Land Services and
the Central West Councils Environment and Waterway Alliance.

Bathurst Mayor Graeme Hanger OAM said the works have greatly improved the local
natural environment.

“It’s important for us to be involved in projects that nurture and enhance
our local environment,” he said.

“Initiatives such as this can build positive change at grassroots level to
regenerate the natural environment for future generations to enjoy and

The project has involved the Skillset Green Army that planted native trees
and shrubs along the riverbank. The new vegetation will reinforce the banks
of the river, giving greater stability during floods and reducing weeds.