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Prescribed Burn at Brooke Moore Reserve, Bathurst


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Prescribed Burn at Brooke Moore Reserve, Bathurst

Mick Callan

Bathurst Regional Council in conjunction with the Rural Fire Services and
Central Tablelands Local Land Services will conduct a prescribed burn at Brooke Moore Reserve, West Bathurst.

The burn is scheduled for a weekend mid to late May (subject to weather
conditions) and will be a low intensity, cool burn for ecological purposes
as well as fire hazard reduction. The works have been programmed in order
to reduce the fuel build up at the reserve and also reduce the risk of an
uncontrolled bushfire from occurring during the hotter months.

Bathurst Mayor Graeme Hanger OAM said the burn was a necessity to protect
surrounding residential areas and to encourage regrowth of a diverse range
of native grasses, herbs and wildflowers within the endangered Box Gum
Grassy Woodland.

“Many species rely on fire to germinate, flower or set seed, and may
disappear if the frequency is too low or high.  Brooke Moore Reserve hasn’t
had a burn for a long time,” he said.

There is potential for smoke to impact surrounding residents and roads. An
electronic message sign will be placed along Vittoria Street or Suttor
Street and a letterbox drop will be conducted to notify surrounding
residents with details of the proposed burn date and protective measures to
take to avoid potential smoke haze.