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Environment & Waterways Alliance featured in Australian Business News Source Magazine


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Environment & Waterways Alliance featured in Australian Business News Source Magazine

Mick Callan

The Australian Business News Source Magazine, a growing digital publication that caters to top senior executives, has featured the Environment & Waterways Alliance in their current issue.

A theme of the January-February 2017 issue of the magazine is the 202020 Vision; a collaborative project that aims to make urban areas 20% greener by the year 2020.  As a proud partner of this initiative, the Environment & Waterways Alliance was chosen to feature in the magazine.

The article discusses the history of the Alliance, the current projects that are being implemented as well as the many challenges facing the 18 Alliance Member Councils.

While the interview with then Project Support Officer of the Alliance, Mick Callan, was conducted in late 2016, many of the issues are still pertinent to the Alliance moving forward.

To read the article as well as the entire current edition of the Australian Business News Source Magazine please refer to: Australian Business News Source Magazine Jan-Feb 2017.