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Grants & Awards

Wildlife Acoustics Grant Program - Round 4
to Nov 15

Wildlife Acoustics Grant Program - Round 4

Wildlife acoustics grant program

The Wildlife Acoustics grant program supports the advancement of wildlife research, habitat monitoring, and environmental conservation.

Wildlife Acoustics quarterly grant program provides scientists with bioacoustics research tools to further their study of bats, birds, amphibians, and other vocal wildlife.

1. Standard Product Grant

- Wildlife Acoustics may award up to $12,000 worth of eligible products to selected grant recipients worldwide every quarter. Individual applicants may request products and software licenses totaling up to $4,000 quarterly.

2. Kaleidoscope Pro-Only Grant

- Wildlife Acoustics may award an unlimited number of Kaleidoscope Pro licenses to selected grant recipients worldwide every quarter. Individual applicants may request an unlimited number of software licenses.

Grant recipients must be associated with a charitable, educational, NGOs, or other tax-exempt organization. Consideration will be given to projects that make significant and novel use of wildlife vocalization recordings for data collection and/or analysis

- The work advances scientific knowledge and contributes to long-term conservation

- The grant would have a significant impact on the success of the project

- The application provides adequate information to facilitate project evaluation, including detailed expected outcomes and the need for bioacoustics data to support those outcomes

- The project must begin within one year of the award.

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Wildlife Acoustics Grant Program - Round 3
to Aug 15

Wildlife Acoustics Grant Program - Round 3

Wildlife acoustics grant program

The Wildlife Acoustics grant program supports the advancement of wildlife research, habitat monitoring, and environmental conservation.

Wildlife Acoustics quarterly grant program provides scientists with bioacoustics research tools to further their study of bats, birds, amphibians, and other vocal wildlife.

1. Standard Product Grant

- Wildlife Acoustics may award up to $12,000 worth of eligible products to selected grant recipients worldwide every quarter. Individual applicants may request products and software licenses totaling up to $4,000 quarterly.

2. Kaleidoscope Pro-Only Grant

- Wildlife Acoustics may award an unlimited number of Kaleidoscope Pro licenses to selected grant recipients worldwide every quarter. Individual applicants may request an unlimited number of software licenses.

Grant recipients must be associated with a charitable, educational, NGOs, or other tax-exempt organization. Consideration will be given to projects that make significant and novel use of wildlife vocalization recordings for data collection and/or analysis

- The work advances scientific knowledge and contributes to long-term conservation

- The grant would have a significant impact on the success of the project

- The application provides adequate information to facilitate project evaluation, including detailed expected outcomes and the need for bioacoustics data to support those outcomes

- The project must begin within one year of the award.

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Inland Rail Community Sponsorship
to Jan 31

Inland Rail Community Sponsorship

Inland Rail are proud to give back to our communities that are home to Inland Rail.

Since 2019, our sponsorships and donations program has benefitted more than 300 community projects in New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria with grants worth more than $1 million.

In 2023, as per the updated Ministerial Interim Statement of Expectations, Inland Rail is now focused on building the Beveridge to Parkes section of the alignment while planning and approvals work will continue north of Parkes to Kagaru.

Whilst Inland Rail will continue to offer funding between $1000–$4000 for individuals and organisations in regional areas along the Inland Rail route, applications from areas where construction is underway will constitute a greater focus for the Community Sponsorships and Donations Program.

This change is reflected in the updated eligibility criteria in the guidelines.

Funding will be available to short-term projects and activities that contribute to local and regional prosperity, wellbeing and sustainability, such as upgrading community facilities and equipment, implementing unique STEM projects in schools, mentoring and developing local business communities, and hosting community events.

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Gallagher Landcare Electric Fencing Grants
to Apr 15

Gallagher Landcare Electric Fencing Grants

  • Google Calendar ICS

Expressions of Interest is now open for the 2024 Gallagher Landcare Electric Fencing grants.

Now entering its fifth round, the Gallagher and Landcare Australia Electric Fencing Grants provide support for conservation and biodiversity protection projects aligned with the priority areas of Conservation Exclusion/Inclusion Fencing and Riparian Protection and Farm Dam Restoration on agricultural land.

A total pool of $176,000 worth of Gallagher permanent electric fencing product, with up to 22 grants available, each valued at $8,000.

For the first time ever, the grant round is now open to applicants from all regions throughout Australia.

How to apply:

Eligible applicants can submit an Expression of Interest for the Gallagher Landcare Electric Fencing Grant 2024 via the Landcare Australia Grants site powered by SmartyGrants until Monday 15th April 2024 (midnight).  An EOI must be submitted for review and successful applicants will progress to a full application.

  1. Submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) form on the Landcare Australia Grant Site. You can view and download the application form before you begin. (You must complete an Expression of Interest in order to proceed with a full application)

  2. You must log in or register with SmartyGrants to be able to complete the application.

  3. If you wish to save a partially completed EOI form, press ‘Save and close’ and log out. You can log back in and continue to edit your application until you are ready to submit.

  4. To submit your EOI, click the ‘Review and Submit’ button at the bottom of the Navigation Panel. You need to review your form before you can submit it. Once you have submitted your EOI, the EOI form’s status will change to ‘Form completed’, and no further editing of the EOI or uploading of support materials will be possible.

  5. You will receive a confirmation email from SmartyGrants to the email address used to log in when your application has been successfully submitted. Please ensure you check your spam/junk mail folder if you do not receive the confirmation email.

  6. If your EOI is shortlisted, you will be invited to complete a full application form. The application will require you to discuss your project requirements, and arrange a site visit or provide clear, supporting images, with a Gallagher Territory Manager.

  7. Your Gallagher Territory Manager will determine the best Gallagher Electric Fencing solution for your project goals, and they will provide you with a Product List that needs to be uploaded in your final application.

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Regional Precincts and Partnerships Program (rPPP) – Stream Two: Precinct delivery
to Dec 31

Regional Precincts and Partnerships Program (rPPP) – Stream Two: Precinct delivery

The rPPP Precinct delivery grant offers grants up to $50 million to deliver infrastructure projects within regional precincts in partnership with local stakeholders to benefit regional communities.

The program will run over 3 years from 2023-24 to 2025-26.  It will focus on a partnership approach to deliver investment in regional Australia. It will bring together governments and communities to plan and deliver regional precincts that are tailored to local needs and have a shared vision in how that precinct connects to the region. Partners can be from government, First Nations groups, community organisations, regional universities or private enterprise.

Regional precincts or ‘places with a purpose’ are user-defined geographic areas with a specific shared need or theme. Regional precincts may include business districts, neighbourhoods, activity centres, commercial hubs or community and recreational areas. They will be located in renewal areas and growth areas in regional centres, regional corridors, regional cities, as well as smaller town centres that serve as service hubs in more remote communities.

The intended outcomes of stream two are to:

  • deliver project/s that form part of a precinct or foundational infrastructure that activates a precinct

  • develop and deliver regional precincts comprised of multiple infrastructure components, which provide benefits related to productivity, equity and resilience

  • contribute to the Australian Government’s current policy priorities, including but not limited to Closing the Gap, transition to a net zero economy, Australia’s emission reduction goals, social and affordable housing, and National Cultural Policy.

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EPA - Illegal Dumping Prevention Grants
to Aug 31

EPA - Illegal Dumping Prevention Grants

  • Google Calendar ICS


The Illegal Dumping Prevention Program Grants provide funding opportunities to councils and public land managers for projects to prevent illegal dumping, establish illegal dumping baseline data or develop a business case for illegal dumping prevention.

Funding will be available in the following streams:

  • Stream 1: Building an evidence base

    • 1a establishing an illegal dumping baseline (up to $20,000, delivery period up to 12 months) or

    • 1b Preparing an illegal dumping business case (up to $10,000, delivery period up to 12 months)

  • Stream 2: Illegal dumping prevention starter grants (up to $60,000, delivery period up to 12 months)

  • Stream 3: Illegal dumping prevention grants (up to $120,000 for a single entity, delivery period up to 2 years)

  • Stream 4: Collaborative illegal dumping prevention grants (up to $200,000 for a multi-entity project, delivery period up to 2 years). Opens in mid-2024

Program objectives

The overall objectives of the Illegal Dumping Prevention Strategy 2022–2027 are to minimise:

  • kerbside illegal dumping activities

  • public land and bushland illegal dumping activities

  • illegal landfilling / organised crime activities

The 4 streams under the grants program target the first two of these objectives. The objectives of these grants are to support local and state government public land managers to:

  • gather baseline and ongoing data on the size of their illegal dumping problem

  • develop a business case for investment in illegal dumping prevention

  • proactively target localised illegal dumping issues

  • collaboratively address illegal dumping across land tenures

  • encourage entities to undertake illegal dumping prevention projects if they have not done so before.

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Weeds Action Program – Regional Sub-program 2023-2024 for Local Control Authorities weeds
to Apr 12

Weeds Action Program – Regional Sub-program 2023-2024 for Local Control Authorities weeds

  • Google Calendar ICS

The NSW Weeds Action Program aims to reduce the risk and impact of weeds through implementation of the NSW Invasive Species Plan 2023-2028 and the NSW Biosecurity & Food Safety Strategy 2022-2030. The Regional Sub-program 2023-2024 for Local Control Authorities for Weeds is a 1-year instalment of the 5-year NSW Weeds Action Program Guidelines 2020-2025.

The objective of the program is to deliver funding to Local Control Authorities for weeds to:

  • prevent the establishment of new high risk (state and regional priority) weeds

  • eliminate or prevent the spread of state and regional priority weeds

  • ensure NSW has the ability and commitment to manage state and regional priority weeds.

This program is funded and administered by Department of Primary Industries.

Types of projects funded under this grant

Eligible activities should include activities that meet the Weeds Action Program investment priorities, that align to the goals, outcomes, and strategies of the NSW Invasive Species Plan 2023-2028. A detailed breakdown of eligible goals, outcomes and strategies is provided in Appendix B of the program guidelines.

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EPA - WASM Litter Prevention Grants
to Oct 25

EPA - WASM Litter Prevention Grants

The NSW Government has opened the Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy 2041 (WASM) Litter Prevention Grants Program for councils, community groups and other key stakeholders to deliver litter prevention projects and develop strategic plans to address litter in their local environments.

Up to $10 million is available from 2022 to 2027.

Funding is provided under 3 streams:

  • Stream 1: Small-scale, on-ground projects, including a dedicated cigarette butt litter program

  • Stream 2: Strategic development and capacity building

  • Stream 3: Own It and Act strategic implementation

Expressions of interest for Intake 3 are open.

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Birdlife Australia's Community Conservation Grants
to May 6

Birdlife Australia's Community Conservation Grants

Birdlife Australia’s Community Conservation Grants empower local community groups and Birdlife Australia’s network with the tools, knowledge and guidance they need to protect birds and nature both locally and nationally.

Grants of up to $20,000 for community and capacity building projects that align with and support the delivery of Birdlife Australia’s Bird Conservation Strategy. This includes funding for equipment, signage and vegetation restoration, as well as community education, training and advocacy.

As a guide, the project must:

– Align with BirdLife Australia’s programs, priorities and Bird Conservation Strategy

– Comply with BirdLife Australia’s policies and values, and identify and manage any associated risks

– Consider opportunities for volunteer participation and volunteer leadership development

– Consider strategies to improve the diversity, equity and inclusion approaches to projects and volunteering

– Have a tangible conservation impact and clear, measurable outcomes

– Ensure bird surveys are standardised and submitted to Birdata

– Ensure expenditure has not already been incurred (funding will not be given retrospectively)

– Be completed within the permitted timeframe (typically within 12 months)

– Be conducted within Australia (overseas projects will not be funded).

Bird Conservation Strategy: Conservation Action Areas (CAAs)

– Build evidence base through science, research, information management and partnerships

– Advocate for, refine and develop decision support tools, methods and standards

– Establish, support and empower local communities and Network

– Develop and promote incentives

– Influence economic and social drivers

– Advocate for appropriate policies

– Work with First Nations peoples

– Work with the private sector

– Direct action to manage, benefit and restore conservation targets.

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Wildlife Acoustics Grant Program - Round 2
to May 15

Wildlife Acoustics Grant Program - Round 2

Wildlife acoustics grant program

The Wildlife Acoustics grant program supports the advancement of wildlife research, habitat monitoring, and environmental conservation.

Wildlife Acoustics quarterly grant program provides scientists with bioacoustics research tools to further their study of bats, birds, amphibians, and other vocal wildlife.

1. Standard Product Grant

- Wildlife Acoustics may award up to $12,000 worth of eligible products to selected grant recipients worldwide every quarter. Individual applicants may request products and software licenses totaling up to $4,000 quarterly.

2. Kaleidoscope Pro-Only Grant

- Wildlife Acoustics may award an unlimited number of Kaleidoscope Pro licenses to selected grant recipients worldwide every quarter. Individual applicants may request an unlimited number of software licenses.

Grant recipients must be associated with a charitable, educational, NGOs, or other tax-exempt organization. Consideration will be given to projects that make significant and novel use of wildlife vocalization recordings for data collection and/or analysis

- The work advances scientific knowledge and contributes to long-term conservation

- The grant would have a significant impact on the success of the project

- The application provides adequate information to facilitate project evaluation, including detailed expected outcomes and the need for bioacoustics data to support those outcomes

- The project must begin within one year of the award.

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Alinta Energy - Community Grants Program
to Apr 5

Alinta Energy - Community Grants Program

To be eligible for a community grant, you must: 

  • Be a registered not-for-profit organisation with the Australian Charities and Not for Profits Commission (ACNC) (excluding individuals, professional associations, research bodies, political groups and activist organisations);

  • Be a size that is classified as small or medium with the ACNC (under $3 million in annual revenue);

  • Have an Australian Business Number (ABN);

  • Have a plan or an idea for a project that will be implemented within Australia that requires less than a $AU20,000 donation;

  • Be able to demonstrate that your project will have a positive impact on either:

    • Social disadvantage (e.g. projects that assist members of the community in need); or

    • Environmental sustainability (e.g. projects that restore natural ecosystems, reduce the consumption of natural resources and/or reduce waste); and

  • Be a project that is located where we operate including WA, VIC, QLD, NSW, SA and ACT.

  • Agree with the terms and conditions outlined in the Alinta Energy Community Grant Agreement

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WIRES Research Grants Program - Round 3
to Mar 1

WIRES Research Grants Program - Round 3

Aims to address the significant knowledge gaps surrounding Australian wildlife and their habits.

WIRES Research Grants Program, supported by the Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales (RZS NSW), has been developed to provide ongoing support for wildlife researchers across Australia. WIRES focus is on proposals that have tangible, positive and ideally long-term outcomes for wildlife. Funding granted through this program is for projects of up to 3 years duration.

The overall objectives of the WIRES Research Grants Program are to:

- Identify and address current research gaps that will result in evidence-based approaches to objectively reduce future risk to and improve the health and habitats of Australian native species

- Advance scientific research into key issues impacting Australian wildlife and their habitats, through strategic investment

- Raise awareness and implementation of proven wildlife rehabilitation and conservation methods

- Promote best practice emergency preparedness and response in the context of wildlife conservation.

These objectives will be achieved by supporting robust scientific research that will lead to evidence-based practices to reduce the likelihood of wildlife requiring rescue and rehabilitation, provide scientific-based evidence for the improvement of rescue and rehabilitation methods, improve post-release outcomes for rehabilitated wildlife and aid the recovery of wild populations and their habitats, all of which can improve long-term ecological outcomes in Australia.

A total funding pool of up to $500,000 per year, is available until 2024. Eligible applicants are invited to submit proposals that adhere to one or more of the following categories:

  • Category 1: Risk-Reduction. Research that will help reduce the likelihood of wildlife requiring rescue and rehabilitation

  • Category 2: Rescue and Rehabilitation. Rehabilitation research that will improve rescue and rehabilitation methods

  • Category 3: Release. Research that improves post-release outcomes for rehabilitated wildlife

  • Category 4: Recovery. Research that aids the recovery of wild populations and their habitats.


- Each application must name one Lead Chief Investigator. Chief Investigators must be a researcher or affiliate of a university and/or research institution.

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Saving Native Species - Grants for game changers for threatened species
to Feb 21

Saving Native Species - Grants for game changers for threatened species

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Saving Native species - grants for game changers for threatened species

Provides funding to deliver improved long-term outcomes for threatened species by developing methods, tools, technologies, or products to manage the impact of broad-scale threats.

The objective of the grant opportunity is to develop new tools to mitigate the impact of broad-scale threats on threatened species (Target 19, Action Plan).

The grant opportunity will deliver this objective by funding innovative approaches (such as new methods, tools, technologies, or products) where the proof of concept has already been completed and there is an identified path to using this innovation for conservation threat abatement within Australia.

This funding will deliver benefits to biodiversity, in particular the proposed projects to be funded must identify one or more key threatening processes under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) that will be abated or partially abated by the project.

A secondary objective of the grant opportunity is to assist in contributing to one or more Action Plan targets including:

- Target 1: All priority species are on track for improved trajectory

- Target 4: All priority places are on track to have improved condition

- Target 7: Impacts of climate change on priority species and places are identified and actions are underway to strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity

- Target 21: At least half the number of projects that benefit priority species and priority places receive private investment or support from partners.

You can apply if you have an Australian business number (ABN) and are one of the following:

- An entity, incorporated in Australia

- An Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (Cth)

- An incorporated trustee on behalf of a trust

- A publicly funded research organisation (PFRO)

- An Australian local government agency or body

- A Commonwealth corporate entity

- A state or territory Government agency or body.

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Wildlife Acoustics Grant Program - Round 1
to Feb 15

Wildlife Acoustics Grant Program - Round 1

Wildlife acoustics grant program

The Wildlife Acoustics grant program supports the advancement of wildlife research, habitat monitoring, and environmental conservation.

Wildlife Acoustics quarterly grant program provides scientists with bioacoustics research tools to further their study of bats, birds, amphibians, and other vocal wildlife.

1. Standard Product Grant

- Wildlife Acoustics may award up to $12,000 worth of eligible products to selected grant recipients worldwide every quarter. Individual applicants may request products and software licenses totaling up to $4,000 quarterly.

2. Kaleidoscope Pro-Only Grant

- Wildlife Acoustics may award an unlimited number of Kaleidoscope Pro licenses to selected grant recipients worldwide every quarter. Individual applicants may request an unlimited number of software licenses.

Grant recipients must be associated with a charitable, educational, NGOs, or other tax-exempt organization. Consideration will be given to projects that make significant and novel use of wildlife vocalization recordings for data collection and/or analysis

- The work advances scientific knowledge and contributes to long-term conservation

- The grant would have a significant impact on the success of the project

- The application provides adequate information to facilitate project evaluation, including detailed expected outcomes and the need for bioacoustics data to support those outcomes

- The project must begin within one year of the award.

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Community Energy Upgrades Fund - Round 1
to Apr 30

Community Energy Upgrades Fund - Round 1

Community energy upgrades fund

Co-funds energy efficiency and electrification upgrades for local governments to deliver reduced energy bills and emissions from local government owned and/or operated facilities.

The Community Energy Upgrades Fund will deliver $100 million over 2 funding rounds and will run over 3 years from 2024-25. The program will co-fund energy efficiency and electrification upgrades for local governments to deliver reduced energy bills and emissions from local government owned and/or operated facilities. The program will contribute to Australia meeting its emission reduction targets of 43 percent by 2030, net zero emissions by 2050, and support 82% renewable electricity generation by 2030. It will also support the Commonwealth-led National Energy Performance Strategy (NEPS).

The objectives of the program are to support:

- The Government’s broader efforts to reduce emissions and improve energy performance and contribute to Australia meeting its emission reduction targets of 43 percent by 2030, Net-Zero emissions by 2050 and 82% renewable electricity generation by 2030

- Local governments to decarbonise their operations and reduce energy bills through energy efficiency and load flexibility upgrades and electrification of their facilities

- The improvement in energy performance necessary to utilise renewable electricity more easily and improve system reliability.

The intended outcomes of the program are:

- Reduced energy bills and emissions from local government owned and/or operated facilities

- Installed energy efficiency, load flexibility and electrification technology that is commercially available

- Improved capability of local governments and the wider community to implement energy upgrades and electrification projects in their facilities

- Increased capacity of domestic supply chains and labour force to support significant future investment in energy efficiency upgrades

- Improved workforce skills in delivering and operating energy transition projects.

Applicants must contribute at least 50% of the agreed eligible project costs.

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Environment Grants Program
to Feb 29

Environment Grants Program

A sustainable natural environment is fundamental to a healthy and prosperous society. Continuing and expanding on thirty years of science, environmental and conservation funding, the Sustainable pillar responds to the global focus on urgent issues such as climate change and biodiversity loss.  

The Environment program supports ambitious and transformative environmental initiatives, including:

  • Strengthening the environment sector

  • Applied environmental science research

  • On ground conservation of natural resources and preservation of threatened biodiversity and ecosystems.

The Foundation is interested in applications that are strategically important, nationally significant, and highly collaborative. This funding area considers large grants ($100,000+ and multi-year) for work taking place within Australia and across multiple areas including land, freshwater, marine, and coastal.

The Environment program area supports ambitious and transformative environmental initiatives, in particular:

  • Strengthening the capacity, reach and impact of the environment sector

  • The application of translational or operational research into biodiversity conservation and nature restoration, including frameworks that consider social values and behaviour change

  • On-ground conservation of nationally important or threatened biodiversity and ecosystems.

Those initiatives should seek to manage better our natural resources and preserve threatened biodiversity and ecosystems in the face of challenges such as land degradation, limited water resources, invasive species, and climate change.

The Foundation is interested in applications that are strategically important, nationally significant, and collaborative.

We prioritise projects that employ several of the following approaches:

  • Work collaboratively with multiple stakeholders.

  • Enhance the capacity of the broader environment sector beyond the applicant organisation.

  • Take an ecosystem or landscape-scale approach.

  • Adopt a community-based approach where relevant.

  • Develop or incorporate a strong scientific evidence base.

  • Develop translational frameworks and/or strategies that can be adapted and implemented widely.

  • Adopt nature-positive or nature-based solutions.

For research projects, preference will be given to projects that engage early or mid-career researchers.

  • Such projects must be strongly supported by their host organisation and be strategically aligned to the institution's mission.

  • A maximum of three applications may be submitted by a university in each grant round. 

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Urban Rivers and Catchments Program 2023
to Feb 24

Urban Rivers and Catchments Program 2023

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The Urban Rivers and Catchments Program is part of the government’s Nature Positive agenda and will fund projects to conserve native and threatened species and improve the ecological health of urban waterways.

Projects will be funded via two funding streams:

Stream 1: Small to Medium-Specific

Grants for projects with a grant value from $150,000 up to $2 million across one or more defined project sites. This stream will focus primarily on small to medium sized community-based projects (for example local waterway habitat, habitat connectivity, and water quality improvement). Up to 100 per cent of eligible expenditure will be funded for successful applicants.

Stream 2: Large-Specific

Grants for projects with a grant value from $2 million up to $10 million and a total project value of at least $4 million across one or more project sites. This stream will focus primarily on large scale projects (for example re-naturalising concrete channels to create living streams, stormwater filtration through artificial wetlands to improve water quality). Up to 50% of eligible expenditure will be funded for successful applicants.

The objectives of both streams are to:

conserve native plants and animals including EPBC-listed threatened plants and animals in urban, outer urban/peri-urban and regional centres

improve the ecological health of Threatened Ecological Communities and wetlands of international significance – that is, Ramsar sites, in urban, outer urban/peri-urban and regional centres.

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2023/2024 State and Territory Landcare Award
to Mar 1

2023/2024 State and Territory Landcare Award

Nominations for the 2023/2024 State and Territory Landcare Awards are now open!

Now in its 32nd year, the State and Territory Landcare Awards stand as a prestigious biennial national Landcare Awards program. The objective is to honour individuals, groups and organisations that are making outstanding contributions to caring for the environment in their local communities for the benefit of all Australians today, and for generations to come.

In each state and territory, the Landcare Awards will be granted to recognise the achievements that encompass climate action, environmental leadership, sustainable agriculture, First Nations, Women in landcare, youth, Coastcare and children.

Nominating is free. You can nominate yourself, or you can nominate someone you know who should be recognised for their work to restore, enhance and protect the natural environment in their community.

Nominating is easy. If you know an individual, group or organisation in your community making a difference to the environment and sustainable land or water use, nominate them for a Landcare Award.

The winners of the nine national Landcare Award categories will advance as finalists to the 2024 National Landcare Awards.

2023/2024 Landcare Awards Categories:

Australian Government Climate Innovation Award

Australian Government Sustainable Agriculture Landcare Award

Australian Government Individual Landcarer Award

Australian Government Community Partnerships Landcare Award

Coastcare Award

First Nations Landcare Collaboration Award

Women in Landcare Award

Woolworths Junior Landcare Award

NextGen Landcare Award

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