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Saving Native Species - Grants for game changers for threatened species

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Saving Native Species - Grants for game changers for threatened species

Saving Native species - grants for game changers for threatened species

Provides funding to deliver improved long-term outcomes for threatened species by developing methods, tools, technologies, or products to manage the impact of broad-scale threats.

The objective of the grant opportunity is to develop new tools to mitigate the impact of broad-scale threats on threatened species (Target 19, Action Plan).

The grant opportunity will deliver this objective by funding innovative approaches (such as new methods, tools, technologies, or products) where the proof of concept has already been completed and there is an identified path to using this innovation for conservation threat abatement within Australia.

This funding will deliver benefits to biodiversity, in particular the proposed projects to be funded must identify one or more key threatening processes under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) that will be abated or partially abated by the project.

A secondary objective of the grant opportunity is to assist in contributing to one or more Action Plan targets including:

- Target 1: All priority species are on track for improved trajectory

- Target 4: All priority places are on track to have improved condition

- Target 7: Impacts of climate change on priority species and places are identified and actions are underway to strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity

- Target 21: At least half the number of projects that benefit priority species and priority places receive private investment or support from partners.

You can apply if you have an Australian business number (ABN) and are one of the following:

- An entity, incorporated in Australia

- An Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (Cth)

- An incorporated trustee on behalf of a trust

- A publicly funded research organisation (PFRO)

- An Australian local government agency or body

- A Commonwealth corporate entity

- A state or territory Government agency or body.