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Alinta Energy - Community Grants Program

Grants & Awards

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Alinta Energy - Community Grants Program

To be eligible for a community grant, you must: 

  • Be a registered not-for-profit organisation with the Australian Charities and Not for Profits Commission (ACNC) (excluding individuals, professional associations, research bodies, political groups and activist organisations);

  • Be a size that is classified as small or medium with the ACNC (under $3 million in annual revenue);

  • Have an Australian Business Number (ABN);

  • Have a plan or an idea for a project that will be implemented within Australia that requires less than a $AU20,000 donation;

  • Be able to demonstrate that your project will have a positive impact on either:

    • Social disadvantage (e.g. projects that assist members of the community in need); or

    • Environmental sustainability (e.g. projects that restore natural ecosystems, reduce the consumption of natural resources and/or reduce waste); and

  • Be a project that is located where we operate including WA, VIC, QLD, NSW, SA and ACT.

  • Agree with the terms and conditions outlined in the Alinta Energy Community Grant Agreement

Earlier Event: January 29
WIRES Research Grants Program - Round 3