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Erosion and Sediment Control Workshop 4: Preparing and Reviewing Plans for Soil and Water Management


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Erosion and Sediment Control Workshop 4: Preparing and Reviewing Plans for Soil and Water Management

  • Hotel Urban 194 Pacific Highway Greenwich, NSW, 2065 Australia (map)

Erosion and sediment control workshop 4: Preparing and reviewing plans for soil and water management

Workshop 4 trains personnel responsible for the identification and design of temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control measures on construction sites and for their delineation on a plan.

The workshop pulls together the information presented at Workshops 1, 2 and 3. It is a practical application of the work undertaken at the earlier workshops. This workshop also trains regulators in the necessary skills for review of Soil and Water Management Plans and Erosion and Sediment Control Plans.

Participants will gain a sound understanding of the process involved with the selection, design and placement of a range of typical erosion sediment control measures suitable for use on construction sites. They will be able to delineate these on a plan following the criteria set out in the “Blue Book”. In addition they will be able to review such plans.

Topics include:

  • the theory of plan preparation

  • how to prepare a plan with a guided practice excercise

  • how to prepare a plan using local examples

  • how to review Soil and Water Management Plans and Erosion and Sediment Control Plans

Participants should bring a paper or electronic copy of the “Blue Book”, a calculator, notebook and pen, and a laptop computer loaded with the software provided at Worshop 3.