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Erosion and Sediment Control Workshop 3: Water Management on Construction Sites


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Erosion and Sediment Control Workshop 3: Water Management on Construction Sites

  • Hotel Urban 194 Pacific Highway Greenwich, NSW, 2065 Australia (map)

Erosion and sediment control workshop 3: Water Management on construction sites

Workshop 3 trains those responsible for the selection, design or review of temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control measures on urban construction sites.

The workshop is geared mainly for consultants who prepare and regulators who review Soil and Water Management Plans. An engineering background is not required. This workshop is equally applicable to both engineers and non-engineers.

Participants will gain a sound understanding of the design of various measures described in the “Blue Book” such as sediment basins, diversion structures and catch drains.

Topics include:

  • the theory and application of water management on construction sites

  • how to size and design sediment basins

  • how to design catch drains and diversion structures

Participants should have attended Workshop 2 first.