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Searching for Skinks on Newnes Plateau

Mick Callan

Researchers and Local Land Services staff have pulled on their gumboots to search swamps on the Newnes Plateau near Lithgow for a very special lizard found only in the Blue Mountains.

“This is the first stage in a 10 year monitoring and rehabilitation project aimed at protecting the Blue Mountains Water Skink through the ‘Swamped by Threats’ project,” explained Marg Duffy from Central Tablelands Local Land Services.

“The skinks depend on healthy upland swamps for their survival, but the swamps themselves are under threat and the skinks are in danger of extinction.”

The Blue Mountains Water Skink is listed as a threatened species which can be found in fewer than 60 swampland sites across the Blue Mountains, from the Newnes Plateau in the north west to Hazelbrook in the south east.

Assisted by Land Services Staff, species specialist Dr Sarsha Gorissen has been gathering data on skink numbers at key habitat sites.

“Sarsha uses specially designed traps to capture the skinks, which are then released on the same day after they are weighed and measured,” said Ms Duffy.

“This data will give us more accurate information about the skinks and we’ll continue to monitor them over a ten year period to see how the population is tracking. It would be wonderful to see numbers increase as threats are controlled and habitat protection methods are implemented.”  

The key threat facing the skink is loss of swamp habitat from impacts including climate change, a loss of ground water resources, storm water runoff causing erosion and pollution, weed incursion and fire. 

Senior Land Services Officer, Huw Evans, says predation by feral animals such as cats and foxes is also thought to be a threat.

“Sensor cameras are being used to monitor swamp sites for feral animal activity,” said Mr Evans. “We want to get an understanding of the species and numbers of feral animals around the swamps and whether they pose a threat to the Skink.”

This year on the Newnes Plateau the Swamped by Threats project will fund weed control and erosion control works to reduce sediment flow into swamp sites, such as a possible re-engineering of roads near the zig zag railway to slow and redirect runoff after heavy rainfall.

A community information day is planned in May 2017 for people interested in joining a new Swampcare group and for those who just want to learn more about our upland swamps.

Local Land Services is inviting members of the public keen to get involved to fill in the Swampcare Volunteer Form online at:

For more information contact Marg Duffy at email: or phone the Lithgow office of Local Land Services at: 02 6350 3113.  

The ‘Swamped by Threats’ project has been funded by the New South Wales Government through Local Land Services and Environmental Trust Saving Our Species Partnership Grants Program.

Central Tablelands Local Lands Services is the lead agency in the project working with stakeholders, community groups, and project partners including the Office of Environment and Heritage, Greater Sydney Local Lands Services, Lithgow City Council, Blue Mountains City Council, Forestry Corporation, National Parks and Wildlife Service and, Lithgow and Oberon Landcare Association.

Have Your Say on Weeds Management in the Central Tablelands

Mick Callan

Central Tablelands Local Land Services is encouraging interested individuals and organisations to have their say on the draft Central Tablelands Regional Strategic Weed Management Plan.

Central Tablelands Local Land Services Acting Chair Ian Rogan said the plan will guide resource allocation and investment in each region and will provide a consistent basis for regional planning and delivery.

“The consultation period is an opportunity for stakeholders, organisations and interested community members to provide feedback on the management of weeds in our region and across the State,” Mr Rogan said.

“The local councils, NSW Farmers and government authorities have contributed to the draft Plan. We know that our community is very concerned about both new and established weeds so this is an opportunity to have a say,” Mr Rogan said.

“The plan is available at and submissions can be made online until 8 March.”

Regional Weed Committees have been established under the Local Land Services Act 2013 and are in operation around the State.  Membership includes representatives from major stakeholder groups.

The draft Central Tablelands Regional Strategic Weed Management Plan has been developed collaboratively with the Central Tablelands Regional Weed Committee and Central Tablelands Local Land Services. The plan contains established strategies and actions to achieve goals that focus on shared responsibility for weed management, sustainable landscapes and collaborative leadership and innovation.

The Biosecurity Act 2015 adopts the concept of a general biosecurity duty. It means that anyone who is aware of a potential risk should take all reasonable and practical measures to minimise or eliminate that risk. The draft Central Tablelands Regional Strategic Weed Management Plan is a direct response to this legislative reform.

The primary outcome of the weed reform process will be the integration of weed management efforts across the State. For the first time in NSW, there will be a set of agreed priorities and actions which apply across both public and private land. Increased collaboration in the management of weeds will improve biosecurity outcomes and increase agricultural productivity.

Copies of the regional plans, fact sheets, frequently asked questions, and feedback forms are available on the Local Land Services Open website.

Have You Seen a Koala in the Bathurst Region? We'd Love to Hear About It.

Mick Callan

Mayor of Bathurst Cr Gary Rush said Bathurst Regional Council is encouraging all residents and visitors to report any koala sightings across the local government

“Council has received funding through the Central Tablelands Local Land
Services in conjunction with the Environment & Waterways Alliance to assist with a koala conservation program, and to raise awareness of the vulnerable status of the koala.

“Koalas are listed as vulnerable under both state and federal environmental
legislation. They are dependent on specific species of Eucalypt trees for
food, which also provide protection from predators and harsh weather. The
major threat to the koala is therefore the loss of habitat through the
clearing of Eucalypts, but also fire, drought, disease, road deaths and
predation by dogs.

“Reporting sightings will help improve our understanding of our local koala
populations and help contribute to the management of this species. Any
other threatened or uncommon animal or plant can also be reported to

“It is simple to take part, any sightings can be logged with Council via a
form on our website.  In recent months we havehad koala sightings at
Rockley Mount, Gormans Hill, The Lagoon and Perthville,” Cr Rush said.

For a copy of the form to report native wildlife or plants, and for further
details visit:

How you can help conserve koalas:
   ·    Keep native vegetation on your property
   ·    Plant local koala habitat trees on your property
   ·    Report koala sightings to Council
   ·    Join a community tree planting day
   ·    Remove fencing or install koala friendly fencing
   ·    Drive slowly and carefully at night as koalas are nocturnal

Image courtesy of DJM Australia Photography