Have You Seen a Koala in the Bathurst Region? We'd Love to Hear About It.
Mick Callan
Mayor of Bathurst Cr Gary Rush said Bathurst Regional Council is encouraging all residents and visitors to report any koala sightings across the local government
“Council has received funding through the Central Tablelands Local Land
Services in conjunction with the Environment & Waterways Alliance to assist with a koala conservation program, and to raise awareness of the vulnerable status of the koala.
“Koalas are listed as vulnerable under both state and federal environmental
legislation. They are dependent on specific species of Eucalypt trees for
food, which also provide protection from predators and harsh weather. The
major threat to the koala is therefore the loss of habitat through the
clearing of Eucalypts, but also fire, drought, disease, road deaths and
predation by dogs.
“Reporting sightings will help improve our understanding of our local koala
populations and help contribute to the management of this species. Any
other threatened or uncommon animal or plant can also be reported to
“It is simple to take part, any sightings can be logged with Council via a
form on our website. In recent months we havehad koala sightings at
Rockley Mount, Gormans Hill, The Lagoon and Perthville,” Cr Rush said.
For a copy of the form to report native wildlife or plants, and for further
details visit:
How you can help conserve koalas:
· Keep native vegetation on your property
· Plant local koala habitat trees on your property
· Report koala sightings to Council
· Join a community tree planting day
· Remove fencing or install koala friendly fencing
· Drive slowly and carefully at night as koalas are nocturnal
Image courtesy of DJM Australia Photography