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Wet Weather a Bonus for Tree Planting Projects


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Wet Weather a Bonus for Tree Planting Projects

Mick Callan

It’s been a bumper year for native tree planting across Bathurst.

This year, Bathurst Regional Council has taken advantage of the wet weather
to plant in excess of 7000 native trees, shrubs and grasses throughout our
parks, and alongside creeks and the Macquarie River.

Mayor of Bathurst Cr Gary Rush said the plantings will assist in providing
habitat for native wildlife, and increasing the biodiversity values of the
Bathurst region.

“Key projects in 2016 have included the revegetation of the banks of the
Macquarie River in Jubilee Park on Ophir Road, and the project in Rankens
Bridge Park to restore Regent Honeyeater habitat.

“Volunteers have also worked hard during community planting days to
revegetate Jordan Creek in Blayney Road Common with native habitat.

“Over the summer months, the focus will turn to watering and weeding these
plantings to ensure their survival through the summer months.

“On behalf of Council I would like to extend our thanks to the many
volunteers who have dedicated their time to assist with this year’s tree
planting and maintenance program,” Cr Rush said

For more information on Council’s tree planning program or to get involved