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Superb Homes for Superb Parrots


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Superb Homes for Superb Parrots

Mick Callan

Celebrate National Threatened Species Day at the Launch of a Unique Project

The official launch of the ‘Creating Superb Homes for Parrots’ project, the largest hollow augmentation project ever implemented in Australia, is taking place this Wednesday 7 September to celebrate National Threatened Species Day.

The Superb Parrot is in desperate need of new homes and this unique project is coming to the rescue, with thousands of habitat trees already planted along with the creation of more than 200 artificial hollows, and the public is invited to get involved.

The Hon Paul Toole, Minister for Local Government will officially launch the Creating Superb homes for Parrots project, which is being delivered by the Central West Councils Environment & Waterways Alliance in collaboration with Central Tablelands Local Land Services and funding through Catchment Action NSW. 

“This project is a fantastic demonstration of the outcomes that can be achieved when State Government and Local Government work together. This is believed to be the largest hollow augmentation project ever implemented in Australia with more than 200 hollows being created for the threatened Superb Parrot,” said Mr Toole.

“There is no doubt that this project has the potential to have real long term benefits for the survival of this species and it is a credit to the various agencies involved.”

Following the official launch at 9:30 am, there will be a special public demonstration of the Hollow Augmentation Technique by a qualified arborist.

“The process involves the removal of a ‘face plate’ or slab of timber from a standing tree, which is set aside while a cavity is created with a chainsaw. Once the desired sized nesting chamber has been cut out, the face plate is re-attached and an entrance hole is cut to provide access to the hollow,” explained Mick Callan, Project Support Officer with the Environment & Waterways Alliance.

Over 200 hollows, specifically prepared for Superb Parrots, have been created across the Bathurst, Blayney, Cabonne, Cowra and Orange Local Government Areas.

Additionally several thousand trees, shrubs and grasses have been planted across the project areas to restore habitat for the Superb Parrot.

Volunteers are invited to extend the plantings by taking part in a community planting event to celebrate National Threatened Species Day.

Working with Bill Josh from Habitat Connect, volunteers will plant a mixture of known Superb Parrot habitat species from 9:00 am through to 3:00 pm. The Deputy Mayor of Orange, Chris Gryllis, is looking forward to taking part.

“Orange City Council was proud to partner in bringing the Hollows for Habitat Forum to this region in April, which has directly led to this project being delivered,” said Councilor Gryllis.

“Our Council was a founding member of the Central West Councils Environment & Waterways Alliance back in 2000 and we have continued to work together on important and innovative projects such as this and genuinely look forward to a continuing positive relationship into the future.” 

Morning tea and a free BBQ lunch will be provided as part of the project launch and planting day, with information stalls to be hosted by Central Tablelands Local Land Services and the Environment & Waterways Alliance.

Celebrate National Threatened Species Day by planting habitat trees for the threatened Superb Parrot

  • Bloomfield Park, Orange - Wednesday 7 September - 118 Bloomfield Road, Orange
  • Community Tree Planting:  9am - 3pm
  • ‘Creating Superb Homes for Parrots’ Official Project Launch - 9:30am
  • Arborist demonstration of the hollow augmentation technique - 10:00am
  • Morning tea and BBQ lunch provided
Superb Parrot - Credit: Geoffrey Dabb

Superb Parrot - Credit: Geoffrey Dabb