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Bathurst Regional Council Finalist in Prestigious Green Globe Awards


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Bathurst Regional Council Finalist in Prestigious Green Globe Awards

Mick Callan

Bathurst Regional Council has been named a finalist in the Green Globe
Awards, the NSW Government’s awards for recognising excellence in
environmental leadership and innovation in sustainability.

Mayor of Bathurst Cr Gary Rush said Council has been named as one of three
finalists in Public Sector Leadership award and is up against Sydney Metro
(Transport for NSW) and the University of Technology, Sydney.

“Council’s nomination captures the work being undertaken across Council’s
departments to show leadership and innovation in environmental issues.

“Council has committed to a range of programs and projects which are a part
of our award nomination.

“These range from our involvement in the contaminated lands capacity
building project providing training and information to better manage
contaminated land, to the installation of four solar projects, the largest
of them being 100 kilowatts at the Waste Water Treatment Plant.

“The introduction of the kerbside garden and food waste service in April
this year which has seen more than 200 tonnes of organic material diverted
from landfill per month, through to our ongoing commitment to the
restoration of remnant woodlands for the critically endangered Regent
Honeyeater with the planting of more than 20,000 mixed native species.

Finally, the annual Sustainable Living Expo, Sustainable School Grants
program and the Land Improvement Awards all combine to create an impressive
record of environmental leadership by Council,” Cr Rush said.

The awards will be announced at a ceremony in Sydney on 27 October, 2016.

What are the Green Globe Awards?
The Green Glove Awards are the State Government’s leading environmental
recognition program, celebrating excellence, leadership and innovation in
sustainability.  They recognise the work of organisations and individuals.
The Awards are co-ordinated by the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage.