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Focus on Fungi- Friday Session


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Focus on Fungi- Friday Session

Photographs of fungi are an important part of learning to identify fungi, and also for documenting their whereabouts.

Online platforms such as iNaturalist and the Atlas of Living Australia are great resources of images of fungi to which the public can contribute.

What are the important aspects of a mushroom to capture and how do we deal with tricky lighting and other challenges in the field?

In this highly interactive workshop, you will learn how to photograph fungi in different contexts to capture both their scientific and aesthetic contexts, as well as the use of photography in biodiversity monitoring. This event has two components in the morning we will be gathering at the Environmental Learning Facility Orange Showground. The field component will take place at the Federal Falls picnic area at Mount Canobolas. 

Workshop cost $50


Environmental Learning Facility, Orange Showground

Leeds Parade, Orange NSW 2800

Earlier Event: May 2
What's that Fungus?