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River Restoration Seminar


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River Restoration Seminar

  • Mudgee Arts Precinct - Seminar Room 90 Market Street Mudgee, NSW, 2850 Australia (map)

The 2022 flood events devastated the Mid-Western Regional Council (MWRC) LGA. Please join MWRC for an informative river seminar with local experts. The day will cover:

  • How rivers work and why erosion occurs

  • Catchment and landscape flows

  • Effective techniques to remediate rivers

  • Legislation requirements for working in waterways

Guest speakers include:

  • Mike Ashelford, Land Services Officer - Local Land Services

  • Josh Frappell, Principal Advisor - The Regenerative

  • Janine Koppel, Enviornmental Officer - Soil Conservation Service

  • Tony Miskle, Director - Miskle's Earthmoving

After lunch, participants will venture to a gravity rock wall constructed by Miskle's Earthmoving where there will be discussion about when this type of erosion control is effective and what goes into the project. The structure is located across from the dog park along the Cudgegong River. Participants are welcome to walk or drive around and park at the dog park.

This is a free event located in the Seminar Room within Mudgee Arts Precinct; it is upstairs and wheelchair accessible with a lift located across from the staircase.

Morning tea and lunch provided and registration is essential.