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EIANZ 2024 Nature Positive Cities Symposium


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EIANZ 2024 Nature Positive Cities Symposium

  • Museum of Contemporary Art Australia 140 George Street The Rocks, NSW, 2000 Australia (map)

The benefits of Nature Positive Cities can be far-reaching for the economy, health, social wellbeing and biodiversity.

Urban environments designed with nature front of mind have been shown to lead to increased property values, a reduction in crime, better social inclusion, and improved mental and physical wellbeing. They can also reduce air pollution, make spaces more habitable through urban cooling, and cut down on heating and cooling costs. Of course, Nature Positive Cities also provide improved natural habitats for local fauna and refuges for threatened species.

The EIANZ 2024 Nature Positive Cities Symposium seeks to move beyond debates that assume a dichotomy between economy or environment, housing or habitat, and progress or plants by promoting nuanced discussion on how we can build, plan, design and live in our urban centres.

The Symposium will explore what is needed to improve delivery of Nature Positive Cities and develop a communique in the lead up tot he Global Nature Positive Summit.