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Planet Ark CEO to present at next Alliance meeting


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Planet Ark CEO to present at next Alliance meeting

Guest User

We’re excited to announce that Planet Ark’s CEO and a founding director, Paul Klymenko, will be presenting at the Central West Councils Environment and Waterways Alliance meeting in Forbes on March 18, 2020.

With over a quarter of a century making positive contributions as an environmental researcher, retailer, writer, and ethical investment fund manager, he brings an exciting wealth of knowledge in the environmental field and is sure to be an engaging speaker. He’s extremely passionate about sustainability and the environment, and he practices what he preaches, including planting a tree with his daughter every National Tree Day for the last 18 years.

Paul is regularly sought out to speak at national and international forums, expos and conferences, and the Alliance is extremely lucky and grateful to have him present to our Members and Alliance Friends in a more intimate setting.

“Having Paul Klymenko being enthusiastic to speak to our members demonstrates how highly regarded the Alliance is amongst environmental organisations across Australia. Our members have the chance to hear from a leader in environmental issues, and will no doubt return to their respective Councils with a renewed enthusiasm, and enhanced knowledge, to carry out their roles in improving the local environment across our region”, said Chair of the Alliance, and CEO of Orange City Council, Mr David Waddell.

With highly successful campaigns such as National Tree Day, Cartridges 4 Planet Ark & Recycling Near You, CWCEWA identified Planet Ark as an organisation that shared similar environmental goals and aims and invited Planet Ark to become an official Friend of the Alliance. Seeing the value in this partnership and agreeing almost immediately, Planet Ark were the first invited organisation to partner with us through the Friends of the Alliance program.

Planet Ark’s programs are also very relevant to our Alliance members. Many member Councils run a National Tree Day event throughout the year and also participate in Cartridges 4 Planet Ark.

Planet Ark has become one of Australia’s most well-known and trusted environmental organisations through innovative programs that help people, governments and businesses reduce their impact on the environment in sustainable resource use using circular economy principles; low carbon lifestyles; and connecting with nature. It has achieved this by being non-political, non-confrontation and unashamedly populist. According to the Planet Ark website, “Our campaigns and programs build on our positive and action-based philosophy … In short, we define ourselves by what we are for rather than what we are against.”

Paul will join us at the next Alliance meeting in Forbes, NSW on March 18, 2020.

If you are involved in an environmentally focused organisation within the Alliance region, or further afield, and would like to benefit from presentations such as this, details on how to become a Friend of the Alliance can be found on the Alliance Website.