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Forbes Council opens Community Funding Program


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Forbes Council opens Community Funding Program

Mick Callan

Forbes Shire Council announced this week that the annual Community Funding Program is now open for applications from community organisations, sporting groups and not-for-profit organisations within the Shire.

Applications in Round 1 will be accepted until Monday 31st August 2020.

The revamped program, which is accepting online applications only through the new Forbes Shire Council SmartyGrants portal, offers an opportunity for groups within the Shire to access funding to support events, activities and infrastructure.

Up to $5,000 is available per applicant with a total of $100,000 available in two rounds across the financial year.

"We are offering two rounds of Community Funding to give groups in the Shire more opportunity to plan for their activities," said Mayor Phyllis Miller.

"The first round has just opened today and funding for successful projects will be available from October 2020. The next round will be assessed in March 2021 with funding available in April."

"As always, our amazing Grants Officers will be available to assist groups with completing and submitting applications to ensure applicants have the best chance of success," Mayor Miller said.

Funding Guidelines are available on Council's website or can be downloaded from the SmartyGrants portal at

Please contact Council's Community Relations Officer on 02 6850 2300 for more information.