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Celebrate National Tree Day in Bathurst


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Celebrate National Tree Day in Bathurst

Mick Callan

Bathurst Regional Council and Planet Ark are inviting Bathurst and surrounding residents to take part in a local National Tree Day event on Saturday, 29 July.

This year’s event will take place at O’Keefe Park located along Eglinton
Road, Abercrombie. The aim of the event is to assist with rehabilitating
the Macquarie River by planting native riparian plants along the banks of
the river.

Mayor Graeme Hanger OAM said this year’s theme “Be Inspired: It’s in Our
Nature” highlights how nature ignites our inspiration, creativity and
purpose, as well as offering significant health and wellbeing benefits.

“National Tree Day is a fulfilling opportunity to connect with our local
community, to do something good for our environment and experience the many
benefits that come from spending time in nature,” he said.

Over the last three years, Council and volunteers have been revegetating
this section of the river as part of the “Restoring Regent Honeyeater
Habitat in the Bathurst Region” project.

To date, over 4000 plants from the Casuarina Gallery Forest community have
been planted to replace the weeds that were removed. This year’s National
Tree Day site is the last section along the riverbank in O’Keefe Park to be
revegetated with native plants.

Date:           Saturday 29 July 2017
Time:           9.00am to 12.00pm. Arrive anytime throughout the morning.
Location:       O’Keefe Park, 230 Eglinton Road, Abercrombie

To find the location, use the park gate on Eglinton Road, next to the grid
of gum trees, and walk towards the river.

Please bring drinking water, wear a hat, covered shoes and clothing, and
bring drinking water. Council will provide volunteers with equipment for
planting and training - so no prior experience is required. Gloves will be
provided, however if you have your own please bring them.