Mick Callan
Central Tablelands Local Land Services will unveil a host of exciting and innovative funding initiatives at the Mudgee Small Farm Field Days to support resilient and productive landholders, landscapes and communities.
The 2016-2017 Funding and Grants Program will be launched at Mudgee this year on Friday the 15th of July, offering funding to farmers, landholders, and community groups such as Local Councils, Landcare Groups and Indigenous groups across the Central Tablelands.
Funding will be targeted towards remnant woodland conservation, native grasslands and revegetation activities, property planning, groundcover management, the protection of threatened species, and the restoration and protection of creeks and rivers.
"We know that farmers place a high importance on improving the health and productivity of their land, so it’s very pleasing to be able to offer help with funding for projects that we know many farmers have been considering," said Ian Rogan, Acting Chairman of Central Tablelands Local Land Services Board.
Assistance will be available to help restore and protect riparian areas, and to protect remnant bushland and targeted native grasslands that will link and enhance habitat for threatened species.
Direct support for agriculture will include property planning courses for landholders, land managers and rural employees, and assistance with the establishment of confined stock feeding areas to protect groundcover during declining seasonal conditions.
Incentives will also be available for Landcare, Aboriginal Communities and Local Government groups for environmental and sustainable agriculture projects.
Local Land Services will also fund community events to provide information about the diversity of intriguing threatened species that can be found in the Central Tablelands region.
These projects are provided by Central Tablelands Local Land Services through funding from the Australian Governments National Landcare Programme and Catchment Action NSW.
Landholders are encouraged to visit the Local Land Services stand at site 548 and find out more about the wide array of services available to landholders and community groups.
For more information about the 2016-2017 Funding and Grants Program to be launched at the Mudgee Small Farm Field Days, contact Clayton Miller at Central Tablelands Local Land Services on phone: 02 6333 2314 or email: clayton.miller@lls.nsw.gov.au