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Forum to Focus on Preserving and Creating Hollows for Native Animals


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Forum to Focus on Preserving and Creating Hollows for Native Animals

Mick Callan

The ‘Hollows for Habitat’ forum at Taronga Western Plains Zoo Dubbo on June 23 is set to highlight the importance of preserving tree hollows in local bushland. This free event has been organised by the Central West Councils Environment & Waterways Alliance in partnership with Central West Local Land Services and Taronga Western Plains Zoo; a trio of organisations determined to improve outcomes for our native fauna.

Focusing on the causes of habitat loss as well as techniques to engineer habitat alternatives in areas where hollows are absent, the goal is to ensure that rare and endangered native creatures aren’t left homeless across the Central West.

Project Support Officer with the Central West Councils Environment & Waterways Alliance Mick Callan said “The forum will bring together a range of stakeholders, including Local Government, Landcare, Indigenous Communities, farmers & landholders and other community members, to learn about habitat loss and to look at solutions that can improve habitat in landscapes that lack tree hollows”

Keynote presenter Dr Keith Suter will table the topic “Thinking Globally, Acting Locally, Responding Personally”.  Keith is widely known as the International Affairs Expert on Channel Seven’s Sunrise program.  He’s a global futurist, thought leader and author, highly respected in the areas of social policy, foreign affairs and leadership.

Central West Local Land Services General Manager Andrew Mulligan said “It’s great that we have been able to secure such a high profile, international speaker”

“Based on his reputation, we anticipate that Dr Suter’s presentation will inspire people to network, form partnerships and share knowledge and resources to make real environmental change within our region.”

The forum will feature a range of community and industry displays, an exceptional line up of speakers and an arborist demonstration of the hollow augmentation technique – a first for the Central West region.

Other topics addressed on the day include nest box construction, monitoring & management, hollow dependent animals such as parrots, owls, possums, gliders & bats, feral animal management and the importance of revegetation and habitat protection to ensure the long term survival of hollow dependent species.

To secure your place, visit and search “Hollows for Habitat Dubbo”

For further information about the event, contact Mick Callan on 0400 968 201

Event:                         Hollows for Habitat Forum
Date:                           Thursday 23 June, 2016
Time:                          9:30am – 4:00pm
Venue:                        Taronga Western Plains Zoo, Dubbo
Cost:                           Free
Registration:              Eventbrite