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Council Staff to Undertake Nationally Accredited Project Management Training


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Council Staff to Undertake Nationally Accredited Project Management Training

Mick Callan

Council staff from across the Central West will converge on Dubbo in March to attend Project Management Training specifically aimed at Local Government employees.

The training is being delivered by the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia in partnership with the Central West Councils Environment & Waterways Alliance and Local Land Services.

 A total of twenty two Council staff from across the Central West of NSW will learn how to effectively and efficiently manage projects to ensure that projects are delivered as planned, on time and within budget.  These are essential skills for staff to have when managing projects and will allow for attendees to not only improve their own skills but to become more valuable employees for their respective Councils.

This training will expose participants to a range of tools and methods to successfully manage Local Government projects including:

·        Defining a project and developing a project plan

·        Monitoring and tracking progress

·        Work breakdown structure and task scheduling

·        Resource requirements and approvals process

·        Risk management

·        Project evaluation and report writing

“This training is nationally accredited and highly regarded within Local Government.  Having the Environment & Waterways Alliance organise to host this training event in our region is a real win for our Alliance Member Councils” said Environment & Waterways Alliance Chair, Murray Wood.

“We are very excited to have Council staff from across the region attend this training and see this as a critical step in their career development.  This is another great example of how Local Land Services continues to invest in our Alliance Member Councils.”

The Environment & Waterways Alliance represents 19 member Councils across the Central West of NSW and is supported by Central Tablelands and Central West Local Land Services as their primary means of engagement with Local Government.

The training is being held at Dubbo City Council on Monday 21 and Tuesday 22 March, 2016.