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Domestic Cat Tracking Project - Lithgow

Mick Callan

The Central Tablelands Local Land Services will be undertaking a domestic cat tracking project within the Lithgow Local Government Area.  The aim of the project is to educate cat owners and promote awareness of the distances that domestic cats can roam and travel.

The project which will kick off in Lithgow in March, will involve attaching a monitoring device to domestic cats for up to 11 days, to see where the cats have travelled.  The information downloaded from the monitoring device will be provided to the cat owners.

Peter Evans from the Central Tablelands Local Land Services, who will be coordinating the project, said “Many people have the opinion that their cat doesn’t leave their back yard. I would like to challenge people to become involved in the project to see where their cats go to after dark or when they are not around”.

“The cats will wear a small motion sensored GPS tracker which will be fitted to a harness. All of the materials required to track the cats will be supplied.”

“We are looking for up to 100 domestic cats and their owners to be involved in the program”.

The Central Tablelands Local Land Services are looking for interested cat owners to participate in the program.

An information and registration session for those interested in being involved in the program will be held at the Lithgow Workmens Club on Tuesday 15thMarch at 6.30pm.

For More information of the project or to RSVP Please contact Peter Evans from the Central Tablelands Local Land Services on 6350 3111.