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Abstract Submission

Abstract submission form

The abstract submission period for Conservation in Action 2022 has now closed. Thank you to everyone that has submitted an abstract, our team will now assess those received and will be in touch to advise on the outcome.

All abstracts should relate to the overarching themes of Climate, Bushfires, or Wildlife. Presentations at the conference will be strictly limited to 12 minutes with time allocated for questions.

For any questions or concerns regarding abstract submission, symposia, presentations, or other conference related matters, please contact the Conference Committee.

Abstract submission period closed on Friday 25 February, 2022

inaugural k2w glideways - conservation in action student award

For students wishing to nominate for the inaugural K2W Glideways - Conservation in Action student award, an additional nomination form was required. The below button will take you to the Conservation in Action student award page where terms & conditions, as well as the nomination form, can be located.

The winner of the award will receive $1,500 to contribute to their studies, a plaque/trophy, and a certificate.

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