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Student Award Submission


k2w glideways student award submission form

Thank you for choosing to submit an abstract to Conservation in Action 2021 and for nominating for the inaugural K2W Glideways - Conservation in Action student award. Please note that the below form cannot be saved or edited. It is recommended that you prepare your award submission in your preferred word processing program, then cut & paste the main body text into the form below. Please note that by nominating for the K2W Glideways - Conservation in Action student award you agree to the terms and conditions of the award including:

K2W Glideways - Conservation in Action student award terms and conditions:

  • the winner of the K2W Glideways - Conservation in Action student award agrees to be photographed and interviewed by media outlets to assist in promotion of the award, award sponsor, and the conference;

  • the winner of the K2W Glideways - Conservation in Action student award agrees, where reasonable, to be available to attend a meeting of the Central West Councils Environment & Waterways Alliance (CWCEWA) in order to provide a presentation on their work (CWCEWA to provide travel related expenses); and

  • the winner of the K2W Glideways - Conservation in Action student award agrees to having their image and profile promoted through the CWCEWA, Conservation in Action Conference, and award sponsors K2W Glideways websites and social media channels in order to promote the award, award sponsor, and the conference.

Judging of the Conservation in Action student award will be conducted by representatives of CWCEWA and K2W Glideways whose decision will be final.

For any questions or concerns regarding the student award, the above terms and conditions, or other conference related matters, please contact the Conference Committee.

Abstract submission and student award nominations close Friday 11 March, 2022 at 4:30pm.

K2W Glideways - Conservation in action student award submission form