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2011.02.19 Narromine Wetlands_Heron_cmcculloch 38.JPG



See and hear about Alliance projects and those of our member Councils.

orange city council stormwater harvesting

This video tells the story of Orange’s pioneering and award-winning stormwater harvesting system. Water experts knew that urban areas produce much more run-off than rural environments. But could the water be ‘cleaned-up’ so that it could make a useful contribution to a regional city’s water needs? That was the challenge taken on and explored by Orange City Council in the wake of a record drought.

The Importance of swampy meadows

Tucked within the Neville State Forest is one of the last intact Swampy Meadow wetland systems within our region. This important wetland is a listed Endangered Ecological Community and was under threat of being drained by an active headcut within the creek that is downstream from the wetland (erosion within the creek moving upstream). See how this creek was rehabilitated using soft engineering principles and learn more about the importance of swampy meadows.

Neville swampy meadow - Swamps & Schooners Trailer

A short video to promote the Swamps & Schooners event where a feature video will be launched. This trailer begins to explain the importance of swampy meadow wetland systems and the works completed in the Neville State Forest to protect a remnant swampy meadow.

Environment & Waterways Alliance Recap - 2017

A short video showcasing the projects, events and achievement of the Alliance in 2017. It has been another big year.

ideanthro videos from across our region

A series of six videos from across our region showcasing various Water Sensitive Urban Design projects. For more videos from Ideanthro please visit

Superb Parrot Project Launch - National Threatened Species Day

WIN News Central West coverage of the Superb Parrot project launch held on National Threatened Species Day 2016.


We're changing the way we use our water!  A video on Integrated Water Cycle Management.

Roadside Vegetation

See how the Alliance is working to protect roadside vegetation across the region and learn how you can assist.

Bathurst Raingarden Pilot Project

Bathurst Regional Council installed a series of six raingardens at the Adventure Playground in Bathurst in a project funded by the Alliance with the support of Central Tablelands LLS. 

To see how these raingardens function a second short video was produced utilising a scale model cross section of the underground component of a raingarden. 

Protecting & Connecting Bathurst Copper Butterfly Habitat

This award winning project carried out by Bathurst Regional Council controlled weeds and linked areas of existing habitat through revegetation to improve habitat for the endangered Bathurst Copper Butterfly.