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Conference Venue

Conference venue

The Orange Ex-Services Club (OESC) incorporating the Greenhouse of Orange is one of the premier conference venues in regional New South Wales. Boasting a large capacity theatre, break-out rooms, extensive dining facilities and stunning outdoor areas, we look forward to showcasing what a high class regional facility has to offer.

OESC is centrally located within the heritage CBD of Orange, providing ease of accessibility to a range of accommodation, dining and entertainment options. Please note that parking within close proximity to the venue is limited and that parking time restrictions within the city do apply.

The venue will host the conference event over three days, including the Habitech Welcome Drinks and Conference Dinner events. With such an outstanding range of options within the one venue it makes sense to keep it all in house.

A premium venue with outstanding facilities, we look forward to seeing you there.

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orange ex-services club

231-243 Anson Street
Orange NSW 2800


All abilities venue

Orange Ex-Services Club is an all abilities venue with wheelchair access and dedicated spaces for wheelchairs in the theatre. Please get in touch with our conference committee if you have any questions, concerns or special requirements.