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Welcome Drinks Only

Conference Tickets - General Admission

Welcome Drinks Only


Welcome Drinks Only


Don't have time for the conference? Enjoy drinks with the event guests and keynote speakers. Treat this as a networking session.

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The Cooperative Research Centre for Water Sensitive Cities is the major sponsor for the conference Welcome Drinks. We are excited to announce that as part of this event the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities will be launching a new case study on the innovative Orange City Council Stormwater Harvesting Scheme.

This scheme was the first large scale example of stormwater treatment for indirect potable (drinking water) reuse in NSW, if not Australia. Large wetlands were constructed as part of the solution which not only provide an environmentally friendly, municipal water treatment solution, but also provide habitat for a range of native flora and fauna. This is a truly great example of a project that meets the conference theme of 'Research to Reality'.