Stag Installation for Waterbird Habitat - Parkes Shire Council
Alliance funding 2021
Central West Councils Environment & Waterways Alliance has funded a range of projects for our Member Councils in 2021 that will contribute to positive environmental outcomes across our region. Grant funds of up to a maximum of $5,000 has been distributed to Councils who were able to demonstrate matched funds for environmental projects within their 2021-22 budgets and operational plans.
Funding under this round was specifically for on-ground works and not projects that are predominantly based on planning, reporting or assessment.
The Stag installtion for waterbird habitat: Creating Habitat in Parkes’ Akuna Wetlands project will see Parkes Shire Council install between 4-7 stags, or dead standing trees, at the site of the Akuna Wetlands, which are currently being rehabilitated into functional wetlands to provide waterbird and other native animal habitat. The stags will provide roosting and nesting habitat for a range of native wildlife, and the project will engage the community through raising awareness of the importance of creating and providing diverse habitat elements in the face of increased land clearing and habitat loss.
Further information will be added to this page as the project proceeds.