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Social and Networking Events

Networking & Social Events

Conservation in Action Welcome Drinks

The Conservation in Action Welcome Drinks event is being held on the evening of Monday 2 May at The Greenhouse of Orange following the first day of the conference. Proudly sponsored by Habitat Innovation & Management, this will be a great opportunity to network with other conservation industry professionals following an exciting day of presentations. Finger food and beverages as well as entertainment by talented singer-songwriter Andy Nelson will be all be supplied.

Additionally, we will have Cosmo Brewing on hand serving seasonally made beers that are proudly brewed locally in Bathurst, NSW.

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Conservation in action Conference Dinner

The Conservation in Action Conference Dinner is being held on the evening of Tuesday 3 May in the Coral Sea room within the conference venue, Orange Ex-Services Club. A fantastic opportunity to network with other conference delegates in a more relaxed setting, this dinner promises to be a highlight of the conference following on from the extremely popular ‘street food’ themed dinner from Conservation in Action 2018.

There is an outstanding array of entertainment on offer for the night with acoustic duo The Simmons Brothers performing throughout the dinner. An after dinner presentation will be provided by Peter FitzSimons, newspaper columnist and author of 30 best-selling books. Peter is the most popular after-dinner speaker in Australia.

Following the presentation, the dance floor will ignite to the music being provided by Sushi Burger DJs, so make sure that you bring your dancing shoes. All of this has been made possible by the wonderful team at WIRES.

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