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Reserve Management Plans

RESOURCES | REserve Plans of management

The Central West Councils Environment & Waterways Alliance 5 Year Plan has a series of Priorities, Goals, Strategies and Actions to guide the operations of the Alliance.  These templates and example Reserve Plans of Management are being shared to meet the following Alliance Strategies and Actions:

Strategy B4: Improve biodiversity of urban open space and rural reserves under Council's operational control.

Action B4c: Distribute Reserve Management Plan Template on internal access section of Alliance website
Action B4d: Assist Councils to develop Reserve Management Plans for urban and rural open space areas


Alliance Reserve Management Plan Template

Reserve plans of management - EXAMPLES

Draft Cemeteries Management Plan (Blayney Shire Council)

Draft Jubilee & Ophir Road Reserves Plan of Management (Bathurst Regional Council)

Albens Reserve Plan of Management 2014 (Bathurst Regional Council)