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RESOURCES | Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia

This Special Technical Report showcases award-winning papers presented at IPWEA’s Sustainability in Public Works Conference. The papers address sustainability issues in three key public works areas – stormwater, parks and pavements – to help your organisation work toward a sustainable future.

Award-winning papers on Sustainable Stormwater, Parks & Pavements

• Best content and best overall paper
As global sea levels rise, public works professionals will need to consider the impact on stormwater systems. The paper summarises projected sea level rises around Australia out to 2100. It then shows how scaled physical modelling can accurately predict three dimensional flows in complex stormwater drainage lines, to allow robust analysis of the impact that climate change and more urbanisation could have on a stormwater system.

• Best presentation
The paper describes how Auckland Council and Opus International Consultants developed a green infrastructure guideline. As our major cities become more densely populated, the demands placed on our urban parks, gardens and sports fields will grow – making guidelines like this increasingly valuable.

• Best in the roads stream
This paper shows how Campbelltown City Council has developed and adopted a sustainable pavement management strategy that optimises the road maintenance budget’s capacity and also meets the local community’s expectations for smooth and safe roads. This paper was also awarded the International Slurry Surfacing Association’s 2016 Award for Excellence in Pavement Preservation – International.