CRC for Water Sensitive Cities
CRC for Water Sensitive Cities
“The CRC for Water Sensitive Cities brings together the inter-disciplinary research expertise and thought-leadership to undertake research that will revolutionise water management in Australia and overseas. In collaboration with over 80 research, industry and government partners, we deliver the socio-technical urban water management solutions, education and training programs, and industry engagement required to make towns and cities water sensitive. With a research budget in excess of AUD $100 million, our research is guiding capital investments of more than $100 billion by the Australian water sector and more than AUD $550 billion of private sector investment in urban development.” -
As a former long-term member of the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities, the Environment & Waterways Alliance was able to provide member Councils with access to the cutting edge research and technical information being produced. Please see relevant documents below.
Orange Stormwater to Potable: Building urban water supply diversity
Riparian Design Guidelines to Inform the Ecological Repair of Urban Waterways
Case Study - A New Community at Officer - Reconnecting people and nature on the urban fringe
Flood Damage Assessment - Literature review and recommended procedure
Performance of two urban stormwater biofilters in an area with seasonally high groundwater
CRC for Water Sensitive Cities - Quarterly Participants Update: December 2016
Opportunities for a Water Sensitive Greater Sydney - The importance of water in our city's future
Adoption Guidelines for Stormwater Biofiltration Systems – Summary Report
Blueprint 2013 – Stormwater Management in a Water Sensitive City
Water Literacy Report – A National Survey of Australians’ Water Literacy and Water-related Attitudes
Biofilters and Wetlands for Stormwater Treatment and Harvesting
Industry Note A1.2 – The Value of Restoring Urban Drains to Living Streams
Zero Additional Maintenance Water Sensitive Urban Design Handbook
Ranking Projects for Water Sensitive Cities: A Practical Guide
Adaptation Mainstreaming for Achieving Flood Resilience in Cities
The Risky Business of Water Sensitive City Innovation: A Legal Analysis of Risk Allocation