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Conference Code of Conduct


conference code of conduct

The Conservation in Action conference committee, and the organisations that we represent, are committed to delivering a safe and inclusive event. Our aim is to provide a conference that brings together a diverse audience with a range of professional and personal experiences, to strengthen the links between research, policy and on-ground environmental outcomes.

In order to make this event a success, and to ensure that everyone is able to enjoy and maximise the value of their attendance at the conference, all attendees, speakers, sponsors, volunteers and staff are required to abide by the Conference Code of Conduct.

All attendees are required to:

- Behave in a respectful and courteous manner at all times

- Abide by directions of conference staff and volunteers, as well as directions from conference venue staff

- Report any inappropriate behaviour observed to the conference committee.

- Be respectful of all people, facilities and property associated with the event.

Behaviour that will not be tolerated includes:

- Discrimination, harassment or offensive verbal comments towards any conference attendee, staff member, volunteer or venue employee or patron, for any reason including, but not limited to, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, pregnancy, religion, lifestyle, physical or cognitive ability, education, appearance or employment status.

- Deliberate intimidation, stalking or verbal abuse of any conference attendee.

- Inappropriate or non-consensual physical contact.

- Sustained disruption of presenters.

- Physical or verbal abuse.

- Harassing or unwanted photography or video recording, including of presenters who expressly request that permission to record their presentation has been withdrawn.

The Conservation in Action conference committee encourage open debate, positive interactions, and respectful introductions. We aim to provide an informative, exciting and fun atmosphere at this event and believe that following the Conference Code of Conduct will ensure that this is possible for all participants.

In order to make our committee members known and recognisable, we will be introduced at the beginning of the conference. If at any time you feel that you are being harassed or are uncomfortable, notice someone else being harassed or made to feel uncomfortable, or have any other concerns, please contact a member of the conference committee immediately to raise your concerns.

Any participant asked to cease harassing or unwanted behaviour is expected to comply immediately. The Conservation in Action conference committee reserve the right to take any action deemed appropriate in respect to breaches of the Conference Code of Conduct, including warning the offender to desist from the reported behaviour, expulsion from the conference without refund, expulsion from the premises by staff, or reporting of behaviour to the police.

Each member of our conference committee will be happy to assist with any enquiries or concerns that participants may have. We want to make sure that all attendees feel safe, comfortable and happy within our conference environment. We value your participation in the conference, and more importantly your right to feel safe and valued as a conference delegate.