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Apply for Funding: NRM for Local Government

Mick Callan

The Natural Resource Management (NRM) for Local Government Project aims to assist the Councils of the Central West Local Land Services (LLS) region to protect, enhance or maintain natural resources in their area.  The project will support on ground actions or community education and engagement activities relating to natural resource management outcomes that exhibit best management practice and innovative solutions to existing issues.

Councils who are members of the Central West Councils Environment & Waterways Alliance, bounded by the Central West LLS region are eligible to apply.  Applications open Monday 2 November 2015 and close Midnight, Friday 13 November, 2015.

For further information please refer to the NRM for Local Government Information Sheet.

Minister for Local Government to Launch Environment & Waterways Alliance Website & 5 Year Plan

Mick Callan

The Central West Councils Environment & Waterways Alliance (the Alliance) is a partnership of 19 Councils across the Central West of NSW, supported by Central Tablelands and Central West Local Land Services, working towards improving the natural and built environment of our region.

In 2015 the Alliance has continued to support its member Councils across the region through the provision of registered training, hosting of Stormwater 2015 – Stormwater Best Management Practice Conference, incentive funding to carry out on-ground works and other capacity building events.

Further to this, the Alliance has recently adopted the new name of the Environment & Waterways Alliance (formerly the Salinity & Water Quality Alliance), developed an Alliance website and prepared a new 5 Year Plan.

To celebrate these significant achievements the Alliance is hosting a launch event to promote these important resources to the member Councils of the Alliance.

“The Alliance is a great example of Councils across the Central West of NSW working together and supporting each other to improve the environmental outcomes of our region.  It is a credit to all involved that this organisation of 19 Councils continues to grow and develop to meet the changing needs of its members,” said Minister for Local Government, the Hon. Paul Toole, who will present at the launch event.

“The fact that this Alliance continues to be supported financially by both the Central Tablelands and Central West Local Land Services regions demonstrates the esteem with which these organisations hold the Alliance.  I’m excited to see the practical on ground works continuing across my electorate with Bathurst, Lithgow and Oberon Councils all receiving funding to carry out important environmental works.”

Representatives from Local Land Services will be attending the launch event with fact sheets available regarding the current projects that Local Land Services are funding for Alliance member councils.

The launch is being hosted by Bathurst Regional Council on Friday 6 November, 2015 with the Mayor and General Manager from each Alliance member council invited to attend.

You can view the new Environment & Waterways Alliance website at

Stormwater 2015 Conference Featured in National Stormwater Industry Publication

Mick Callan

Stormwater 2015 - Stormwater Best Management Practice Conference that was held in Dubbo on Friday 18 September, 2015, has featured in a two page spread in the Stormwater Australia Bulletin.

The conference was a joint initiative of the Environment & Waterways Alliance in partnership with the Orana and Central West branches of the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia (IPWEA).  To read this article and other current stormwater industry news please see Stormwater Australia Bulletin Edition 219.