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Stormwater Best Management Practice Conference 2015

Mick Callan

The Environment & Waterways Alliance is proud to partner with the Central West and Orana branches of the Institute of Public Works Engineers to host the inaugural Stormwater Best Management Practice Conference.

Bringing together industry leaders to demonstrate best practice stormwater management.

The Environment & Waterways Alliance is proud to partner with the Central West and Orana branches of the Institute of Public Works Engineers to host the inaugural Stormwater Best Management Practice Conference.

Stormwater 2015 will bring together engineers, natural resource management officers, water managers, planners and other Local Government staff to hear from a range of experts in the field of stormwater.

Stormwater management is being recognised widely as being able to positively contribute to flood mitigation, improved water quality, water security and lifestyle values.  In fact the management of stormwater is so topical at present that it is the subject of a Senate Inquiry by the Parliament of Australia.

This conference will consist of delegates from Alliance member councils providing case studies into best management of stormwater within our region including examples of small scale stormwater management solutions through to entirely revising stormwater management across an LGA to meet best management stormwater practices.

Further to these important examples will be the presentations from:

  • Blacktown City Council’s WSUD Capacity Building Officer regarding their WSUD Capacity Building Program; and
  • Stormwater NSW Co President discussing current activities, tools and support materials for member Councils of this industry association.

Perhaps a highlight for many conference attendees will be the Best Management Practice Workshop facilitated by the Director of Storm Consulting, Mr Rod Wiese.  This interactive workshop will provide an opportunity to understand the impacts of urbanisation, appreciate the benefits of improved stormwater management and consideration of alternative stormwater management techniques.


Stormwater Best Management Practice Conference
Friday 18 September, 2015
8:30am Registration - 9:00am Conference Welcome and Opening
Caltex Park Function Room, Mitchell Highway, Dubbo

For further information or to register your attendance please contact:

Mick Callan
Project Support Officer
Environment & Waterways Alliance
PO Box 20
Bathurst NSW 2795
P: 02 6333 2323
M: 0400 968 201