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Australian Association of Bush Regenerators


The Australian Association of Bush Regenerators (AABR) have compiled an exciting range of resources for people engaged in bushland regeneration activities.


AABR Newsletter 131 January 2017

Learning resources

Seed and Plant Production Areas and Genetic Issues

Reference Ecosystems and Evaluating Success

AABR TV - Video resources

Regen TV is AABR's growing online library of restoration videos from forums and field days, aligned to the National Restoration Standards.  Along with the videos there are learning resources for students and life-long learners.  Regen TV allows for the sharing of current thinking, in a rapidly growing field, in a climate changing world.
The Regent TV project has been assisted by the NSW Government through its Environmental Trust.

AABR Field Tour Cumberland Plain Seed Production Facility Guide: Dr Paul Gibson-Roy

Mount Annan Cumberland Plain Seed Production Area, Australian Botanic Garden

Integrating Remnant Regeneration, Regrowth and Plantings across an Agricultural Landscape, Big Scrub Rainforest

Helping Saltmarsh Recover in the Hunter River Estuary

Planting, Implementation and Results of a Constructed Saltmarsh at Penrhyn Estuary, Port Botany

Cook's River Naturalisation, Sydney

Reconstruction of Native Plant Communities on Rock Dumps in Kosciuszko

Management of Bare-Nosed Wombats within an Environmental Restoration Project, Cobbity NSW

Eastern Suburbs Banksia Scrub Restoration and Management at North Head Sanctuary, Manly NSW

Local Provenance and More Distant Seed Sources: Fragmented Landscapes and Climate Change

Restoration, Regeneration and Resilience in the Tropics

Large Scale Reconstruction of Semi-Arid Ecosystems in South-West Western Australia

Goals and Logistics of Restoring Grassy Understoreys on Mined Land in the Hunter