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2019 Alliance Environmental Forum


The Central West Councils Environment & Waterways Alliance (Alliance) is a partnership of 19 Councils across the Central West of New South Wales, supported by both the Central Tablelands and Central West Local Land Services regions.  The Alliance exists to improve environmental outcomes across the region.

The 5 Year Plan has been developed to guide the direction and actions of the Alliance in the short to medium term and will be reviewed annually to ensure that the document remains current and in keeping with the requirements of the member Councils.

To ensure that the Alliance continues to operate as the primary means of engagement with local government for Central Tablelands and Central West Local Land Services, the Strategies and Actions developed in consultation with the member Councils have all been aligned to the Local Land Services Strategies, as contained within the State Strategic Plan.

Central West Councils Environment & Waterways Alliance 5 Year Plan 2016

Central West Councils Salinity & Water Quality Alliance 5 Year Plan 2013-14